The punk rock republic of China! vol 6. AKA The first and only remaining Chinese Oi! band.

If you pay any attention to Chinese punk then its safe to say you are more than familiar with MiSanDao. If you aren’t, you probably should be. These boys first formed all the way back in 1999 in Beijing as the first and only Oi! band in china. According to lead singer Lei Jun the band is named after the Chinese desert of the same name as just sort of a drunken joke. These guys are straight old school skinheads who sing about things like drinking, fighting with cops, football (soccer) and kicking the shit out of Nazis. Once again proving the point that Oi! is not racist by default. Back in 2002 they released their first album “Clamp Down” followed by “Proud of the way” in 2005. To my knowledge they’ve been featured in 2 documentaries on the Chinese scene. The first in 2006 called “Oi Skins in Peking” aired on European TV and more recently in 2008 they were featured in the documentary “Beijing punk“. In the meantime they have toured Europe, helped organize the first open air fest in 2004 and generally rocked the fuck out. Watch this clip from “Beijing punk” and see just how crazy these dudes are.

Pretty hardcore guys right? Well moving on here’s their most recent album “Chinese Boot Boys” released in late 2009. You can buy this album along with their first two albums at

Chinese punk rock bands are bending over backwards right now to get record deals and find mainstream success. A lot of them have done this by watering down their music and message, not these boys. They keep it loud, angry and DIY as fuck. If you weren’t a fan of these guys before, you should be now.

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